Dollar Daze
Sep 9, 2006
"The Bottom Dollar Girls in Love"
Karin Gillespie
Published August 2006
Simon and Schuster
Dollar Daze is part of a continuing series involving a group of women, all friends, of varying ages, set in the town of Cayboo Creek, South Carolina.
This is a very pleasant read, dealing with the day to day life and dealings of several women in Cayboo Creek.
Elizabeth, a former career woman having a very difficult time adjusting to being a stay-at-home-mom with a baby; Attalee, an 80+ "wild woman" enjoying sparking with a new beau; and Mavis, Mrs. Tobias and Birdie, all widows looking for love and companionship in their later years.
Mavis and Birdie find themselves mooning over the same man, causing quite a rift in their friendship, and Mrs. Tobias, whose always been oh-so-proper, is finding an attraction to a man who her family finds to be "beneath her".
Bottom Dollar refers to the name of the General Store that Mavis owns and that each of the women in this book either visit on a regular basis or work in.
This is a book filled with possible romance, daily dilemmas, friendships gained and lost and just the reminder that even when we get older, our emotions and wants still continue on as when we were young.