In Due Time
Mar 24, 2011
In Due Time
Author: J. Keith Jones
Publisher: White Feather Press
Publication Date:2010
ISBN: 978-14537883636
The book press release describes the story as this:
"In Due Time is a suspense/thriller about America's descent into the future and a man who fights his way back through time to save the one man who can set things right. In 2036, America has just shaken off the shackles of a one world government. Led by a modern day Washington named Alexander Birch, our country is rising from the ashes, but Birch has a problem. Prompted by a mysterious stranger he reaches out to a famous writer and patriot named Howard Spence. The stranger is a time traveler named Joshua Lance who had sacrificed a life of favor serving his international masters to save the one man who could bring America back from the ashes; Birch. Spence tells how Lance had traded his own security and wealth he had carefully crafted for a larger cause and more importantly why. "
But what I found was that it's a strong character driven story with straightforward writing and a really nice story telling pace to it. While the story travels back and forth a bit in time (staying within contemporary years), there's a long and detailed build up to Joshua's life and how he makes the decisions he does. Details such as meeting his best friend, graduating, getting married and starting his own business all build up to the troubles of the country and the role that he takes in the end to help recover the country.
My take is it's more of a character story than a political action thriller. It does have both, and it's a book you can easily sink into with interest.