Nov 9, 2012
Author: Catherine McKenzie
Paperback: 448 pages
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks;
Original edition (October 16, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0062115413
ISBN-13: 978-0062115416
This is a fun escapism modern romantic read. It has angst, the cheating of a partner, the unexpected new love, changes of heart, depth of emotion and the "what do I want to do with my life" episodes that are all the usual suspects in a modern romance.
But Catherine makes it all interestingly different and fun. The banter is witty and quick, the characters are likably real and there's an interesting tweak to the storyline.
Emma, the little powerhouse who became an attorney because she likes to argue, goes to Africa for a month. She doesn't want to go, but does it when her mother leaves her the trip in her will, asking Emma to go because she never got to. Emma takes a month's leave at work - which is frowned heavily on as she was up for partnership - and heads somewhere she doesn't want to be.
She not only becomes very ill and is left in a small village in the middle of nowhere, but is there when a huge earthquake devastates the country. For 6 months, there is no phone service, no internet, no flights......nothing. Emma is trapped. When she makes it back, everyone thinks she's dead. Many people have moved on. To make it even more awkward, the bank has frozen her assets and when that happened, her apartment was rented out to someone else.... with all of her furnishings in it.
She arrives back in town broke, hungry, exhausted and emotionally wrecked, only to find a handsome photographer in her apartment.
The point of this story is that Emma has the perfect opportunity to start over..... but does she? If she does, will she? Finally, would this handsome photographer be a part of the new life?
Fun, romantic, and I might add - clean. If you're looking for the hot sex parts, you'll be disappointed. I found it refreshing.
Reviewed by Idgie. If you would like to have the Dew review a book, please contact me at