The Dry Grass of August
Jul 12, 2011
The Dry Grass Of August
Author: Anna Jean Mayhew
Pub Date: March 29, 2011
Imprint : Kensington
Format : Trade Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-7582-5409-2
A powerful story. It grabs you immediately upon opening the book and you hang on tight the entire way. It's an emotional ride I'll say right now. I cringed in many spots, teared up in a few and smiled while whispering encouragement in others.
I don't want to tell too much of the story - you need to read it, actually absorb it - yourself. It centers around a family in Charlotte, North Carolina who have a nice home, several children, a dysfunctional marriage, and a "girl".
The family exists during the time in the South when racist wasn't considered racist, it was considered normal and right. It also is the time when all that is starting to change......but not soon enough.
Mama decides to take a road trip to escape Daddy, who tends to border on the violent when drinking. Daddy always seems to be drinking. Mama heads down to her brother's house in Florida, going through Georgia. Georgia is not a safe place for Negros. Not very welcoming. Downright hostile you might say. Mama takes Mary, the "girl" (the 48 year old girl) with them to tend to the children.
Jubie is Mama's 13 year old daughter who's particularly close with Mary... and also happens to be the one child that, for no particular reason, receives most of her Daddy's wrath.
This book is the story of Mary and Jubie. Their love for each other, their mutual respect.........and how far each will go to show that love.
You must read this book.
Go HERE to read a Chapter of Dry Grass of August.