The Frozen Rabbi
Jul 9, 2011
The Frozen Rabbi
By Steve Stern
ISBN: 9781565126190
Published by Algonquin Books
Paperback: May 2011, Original Hardback 2010
This book is a winner. Full of sly sarcasm and wit, it tells the outrageous story of a Rabbi in the late 1800's who goes into so deep a trance he falls into a pond and is frozen.
The family that recovers him, the Frosbissens, (love that name) decide that they have the duty, and honor, of taking care of his body.
So they pass the body down from generation to generation until poor little Bernie finds it one day in the basement meat freezer. The family tells him that it's a tradition and not to give the body covered up by this weekend's roast another thought.
But then a storm blows the power out and the Rabbi thaws. Guess what - he's not dead at all - as he was meditating when he froze, he's just been wandering around .....somewhere... for 100 years waiting for his body again.
Now the fun begins of teaching a very ancient Rabbi from the old country about modern times. Watch out, this old guy has some strong opinions and ideas! Also a weakness for reality t.v.
A really interesting part of this story though is that it's not all Bernie and the Rabbi. Each generation that kept him gets their story too. Not always a pleasant story, but very interesting nonetheless.
I liked this book and recommend it.
Read an excerpt HERE.