It’s So Easy (and other lies)
Nov 21, 2011
It’s So Easy (and other lies)
Author: Duff McKagan
Publisher: Touchstone/Simon & Schuster
Publication Date: October 4, 2011
ISBN: 978-1-4516-0063-8
I love Guns N Roses so I was very excited when I found out Duff had a book coming out. They were the bad boys of Rock N Roll when everyone was singing along to Duran Duran in a nice shiny happy way. They came from out of nowhere and overnight we were hooked. But they only had a couple of albums before it all seemed to implode. Not only the band itself, but its members.
Duff was one that imploded so hard I wasn’t sure he had enough brain cells to write a book. Surprisingly, he has plenty of brain cells. I was impressed by the level of intelligence that poured off the pages. Duff had addictions and demons yes, but he’s not dumb.
I was even more surprised to learn he writes weekly column for and Of course he can write a book!
So this is the story of Duff McKagan. Drugs in fourth grade, alcohol in fifth. Sex in Ninth and an exploded pancreas that caused third degree burns INSIDE his body in 1994! He’s gone on and off of addictions; he’s nearly died several times, and has worked his way through a few bands.
But he also went back to school, got a degree and took over GNR’s finances. He then began dabbling in the stock market and has done quite nicely. He has two fine girls and a lovely wife and his newest band Loaded.
Duff is intelligent, humorous and able to tell a story that keeps you reading. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I did enjoy reading about his life.
A nice little section of photographs is also included.