The Unauthorized Biography of Rickey Stokes
Feb 15, 2012
The Unauthorized Biography of Rickey Stokes
Real Men Don't Need Spell Check
Author: Thomas Gilbert
Publisher: Lulu
109 Pages
ISBN: 978-1-105-16570-2
Book Description:
Follow Rickey Stokes from childhood through his latest adventures. Coroner, news reporter, FBI Agent and crime fighter. Criminals fear him, elected officials despise him, everyone else loves him.
Idgie Says:
A slim but very amusing book. Filled with the antics of Rickey Stokes from childhood into an adult. I would consider these tall tales, which are always fun. Each chapter is another little Rickey story.
From his animal carcass removal/crime scene investigation business as a youth, to being trapped on an island with the West Georgia Lesbian League promoting peace and harmony through Oprah... his stories bring a giggle each time.
A perfect book for when you only have time to fit in a short story here and there but need a laugh.
Excerpt from book HERE.
Reviewed by Idgie. If you would like to have the Dew review a book, please contact me at