Smart Chefs Stay Slim: Lessons in Eating and Living From America's Best Chefs
Apr 19, 2012
Smart Chefs Stay Slim: Lessons in Eating and Living From America's Best Chefs
Author: Allison Adato
Hardcover: 320 pages
Publisher: NAL Hardcover; 1 edition (April 3, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0451235851
ISBN-13: 978-0451235855
Book Description:
Thomas Keller, Cat Cora, Rick Bayless, Eric Ripert, Sue Torres are all geniuses in the kitchen, no doubt, but they have something else in common, too. They all manage to stay fit, while being constantly surrounded by the richest, most decadent, most delicious food in the world. How do they do it? That was the question award-winning journalist Allison Adato set out to explore in SMART CHEFS STAY SLIM.
From Jacques Torres’ realization that sometimes you just want cheese for dinner, and you should have cheese for dinner; to Joe Bastianich trading in his sugary morning coffee for the caffeine in a square of dark chocolate, and Michelle Bernstein tricking herself into eating more vegetables, these chefs have figured out how to master that elusive and exquisite balance, of a healthy life that is also extremely satisfying. Some chefs refuse to abstain from wine, some chefs would rather eat dessert than have a drink, and some have learned how to have it all – and balance it out the next day. These masters of cuisine have something to teach us all about giving food its proper place in an indulgent, healthy, delicious life.
Among the 54 recipes that Allison has included are Rick Bayless’s Grilled Chicken Salad with Rustic Guacamole, Ming Tsai’s Pork Fried Rice, Andrea Reusing’s Warm Asparagus Salad with Soft-boiled Eggs, Simpson Wong’s Hangover Soup, Karen Hatfield’s Apple Galette and much more.
Idgie Says:
This is a book filled with common sense rules to living. These chefs tend to tell personal stories on how the realized that they were not being healthy in their habits and how they had to change their style of living while still being surrounded by food and drink all day long.
They describe their battles, where they started to lose them and how they gained ground while losing weight. This is not a diet book in any way. It's a book on how to live a normal life while being sensible with your choices.
Along they way they throw in some absolutely delicious recipes that I'm dying to try.
Another great book that I can't figure out if it should put on the kitchen shelf or the bookcase!
Reviewed by Idgie. If you would like to have the Dew review a book, please contact me at