Lost Girls
Jul 25, 2012
Lost Girls
Author: Ann Kelley
319 pages Publisher: Little Brown & Co
Publish Date: Jul 10 2012
Book Description:
In 1974, 14-year-old Bonnie, eight other Amelia Earhart Cadets aged nine to 17, and their irresponsible young leader are stranded on a forbidden island off the coast of Thailand on the brink of a deadly storm and must fight to survive.
Idgie Says:
Lost Girls was filled with action from start to finish, just what a young reader needs to keep their interest going strong. I called it a Lord of the Flies - with girls. It is a more modern version of the book and the girls tend to stay catty instead of becoming vicious. There are the usual cliques formed instantly - the smart group, the quiet group, and of course the vacant useless girls that continue to put on make-up while others look for food.
Sadly the author does define the character of the one adult as being useless, loose, a drunk and liar. Alas.
Bonnie is a survivor who has learned enough skills as a Cadet to make her way rather easily through the wilderness and help keep the others alive. She quickly becomes a leader, though as with all people, she's not perfect and makes her share of mistakes that weigh heavily on her mind.
This can be read by the younger Young Adult as there are no sexual overtones or gratuitous violence, but there are several deaths caused by nature and what lives in it so keep that in mind. But my 11 year old asked if she could read it and I felt she was mature enough to handle it.
As an adult reading a book for younger people, I found it engaging and enjoyed the time spent.
Reviewed by Idgie. If you would like to have the Dew review a book, please contact me at dewonthekudzu@gmail.com