Man With A Pan
Jun 10, 2011
Man With A Pan
Culinary Adventures of Fathers Who Cook for Their Families
Author: John Donahue
Paperback: 326 pages
Publisher: Algonquin Books (May 17, 2011)
ISBN: 1978-1-56512-985-6
Do you know the difference between "gentle frying" and "saute-ing"? According to Stephen King, it just depends on how fancy you want your cooking to sound.
Mario Batali's kids eat food I wouldn't even touch. Peter Kaminsky's kids won't eat anything. Shankar Vedantam thinks a lot of cooking comes down to gender role definition while growing up.
This is a fun book filled everything from words of cooking wisdom from famous dads, a few historical cooking facts, tasty sounding recipes and quite a few New Yorker Magazine cartoons. (Since the author is also an editor at the magazine, this makes sense.)
It's always fun to read about what rich, famous people think about everyday tasks... and how well they handle them.
Some of the recipes look really delicious and I wish there was a man with a yen for cooking in my house to make them for me!
John also blogs about the cooking he does for his family at