An Invisible Thread - Book Giveaway!
Mar 5, 2012
I have THREE copies of this book to giveaway! Contest runs March 5th - 9th. Drawing at Noon on the 9th.
(US and Canadian residents only - sorry!) To enter simply go to the Dew's FB page and let me know you'd like to win a copy!
An Invisible Thread
The True Story of an 11-Year-Old Panhandler, a Busy Sales Executive, and an Unlikely Meeting with Destiny
By: Laura Schroff and Alex Tresniowski
Foreword by: Valerie Salembier
This edition: Hardcover, 272 pages
Publication date: November 1, 2011
“Excuse me lady, do you have any spare change? I am hungry.”
When I heard him, I didn’t really hear him. His words were part of the clatter, like a car horn or someone yelling for a cab. They were, you could say, just noise—the kind of nuisance New Yorkers learn to tune out. So I walked right by him, as if he wasn’t there.
But then, just a few yards past him, I stopped.
And then—and I’m still not sure why I did this—I came back.
When Laura Schroff first met Maurice on a New York City street corner, she had no idea that she was standing on the brink of an incredible and unlikely friendship that would inevitably change both their lives. As one lunch at McDonald’s with Maurice turns into two, then into a weekly occurrence, Laura learns heart-wrenching details about Maurice’s horrific childhood.
Sprinkled throughout the book is also Laura’s own story of her turbulent childhood. Every now and then, something about Maurice's struggles reminds her of her past, how her father’s alcohol-induced rages shaped the person she became and, in a way, led her to Maurice.
As their friendship grows, Laura offers Maurice simple experiences he comes to treasure: learning how to set a table, trimming a Christmas tree, visiting her nieces and nephew on Long Island, and even having homemade lunches to bring to school.
AN INVISIBLE THREAD is the heartwarming story of a friendship that has spanned thirty years and brought life to an over-scheduled professional and hope to a hungry and desperate boy.
Idgie Says:
This really is a heartwarming story about learning to include new family members into your life who aren't necessarily "family". How to embrace others and make sure you have room to grow and love, even if circumstances are not the usual. It's not just one story, the individual stories of Maurice and Laura's lives, when they aren't together, are also included.
Laura was warned by many that Maurice had already endured many hardships and he wasn't a toy to play with and put away. If she took him into her life, it was long term or else the pain she could inflict on him would be immense. Laura chose to include him in her life and it is a lovely story.
It is written in biographical form, which can be a bit dry at times, but the story itself rises above.
Read an excerpt HERE.
An Invisible Thread from UMBRASOLUTIONS on Vimeo.
If you would like to have the Dew review a book, please contact me at