The Orchard
Jul 17, 2011
The Orchard
Author: Jeffrey Stepakoff
Publisher: Thomas Dunn Books/St. Martin’s Press
Publication Date: July 5, 2011
ISBN: 0-312-58159-9
The first thing I’ll say about this story is that I’ll never be able to look at an apple, smell coffee or eat a simple meal in the same way again. Jeffrey has put much time and energy into researching and then describing everything from the scent of a rare Orchid in the in the jungle to the smell and essence of apple pie and fried chicken. Each description is filled with minute detail and just makes you breath in the vision of … well, whatever Jeffrey is describing at that moment. I was hungry, thirsty and greatly in need of a new perfume through the entire book.
On to the story. A lovely and heartwarming tale of workaholic Grace – a women who will not take a moment of time for herself to relax and find love, or even emotion. Her goals must be reached and nothing will stop her.
Meanwhile Dylan is a widower orchard farmer of 3 years who cannot shut off his emotions and love…for his dead wife, even though his pre-teen daughter wants him to move on in life and to perhaps even find a woman for her to share her girlhood fears and dreams with. She simply craves a mom.
What happens when Grace smells and tastes an apple that Dylan has grown in his orchard? Magic is what happens – the magic of two people who begin to feel deeply for each other. But how long will it take them to realize and admit this?
A nice love story with just enough snappy dialogue and humor to keep it going strong the entire way through.