Unknown Female
Sep 8, 2011
Unknown Female
Author: Brian Ray
Paperback: 202 pages
Publisher: Pill Hill Press (July 1, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1617060798
ISBN-13: 978-1617060793
The first thing I noticed about this book, and something that I greatly admire, is that it is completely different from the first book the Dew reviewed of his – Through The Pale Door.
While many authors write about similar subject matter in their books, ie: crime, romance, etc., Brian has veered completely in a different direction that that of his first book. This is not as easily done as some people might think.
Unknown Female has murder, witchcraft, insanity… all the good stuff.
The story revolves around Marx, who works for the FBI as a sketch artist to help find criminals. His artistic talent was passed down from his father……who unfortunately painted with the blood of his victims. Yes, Marx’s daddy was a serial killer artist. Marx naturally hides this fact from his employers at the FBI, but what he’s having a harder time hiding is the fact that more than his fondness for art was passed down from his father. Marx fights a daily struggle with his own “urges”.
Those urges are bubbling to the surface when he’s sent back to his hometown to sketch the face of a beautiful unknown female who has died of mysterious causes…right outside his old house where all those bodies were found. Even odder, this mysterious girl refuses to decompose in any way..
Into the mix we throw Maple – a witch – who is trying to cast a love spell on Marx while also continuing her search for her missing sister… who might just be a victim of Marx’s father.
A slim novel packed full with story… and some surprising bits of humor.