Lead Me Home/Road Kill Art and Other Oddities
Aug 31, 2010
Lead Me Home
Author: Niles Reddick
Publisher: Heartland (RoseHeart Publishing)
Publication Date: 2010
ISBN: 98-0-9841870-6-5
An absolutely lovely story. I really enjoyed it. Max has come “home” for his Aunt Catfish’s funeral and falls under the spell of the old hometown, it’s people, and his memories.
This book is chock full of “Southern-isms” and wonderful memories of life in the rural Southland of my youth. The people in his life all have the most interesting tales to tell themselves and their stories are just as interesting as the main story.
The tales of his life’s memories weave in and out of the present day situation – his family is pressuring him to move home and take over the family land, he’s hoping he and his wife will grow their family soon (while wondering about possible mental illness in the family) and when violence in their city is witnessed by his wife, this leads them both to wonder if coming home would be the best thing in the end.
A thin book, but chock full of heart. I highly recommend it.
Road Kill Art and Other Oddities
Author: Niles Reddick
Publisher: Whiskey Creek Press
Publication Date: 2006
ISBN: 978-1-9374-803-6
To continue this trend of great reading, I went back a bit and pulled out Niles’ first book, Road Kill Art and Other Oddities. Mind you, I absolutely could not resist the title!
What a fun book! It’s filled with a collection of short stories about Niles’ life, past and present – Road Kill Art being one of them.
Other stories involving UFOs, his Granny’s dating life and Niles intense daily search to collect free items to give away to his friends and family at Christmas are truly a joy to read.
These are wonderful books to take on vacation with you. While one is a full story and the other shorts, both can be enjoyed in tiny increments when you just need 10 minutes of down time with a little humor thrown in.