Hector and the Secrets of Love - Review and Book Giveaway!
Jul 23, 2011
Hector and the Secrets of Love
Author: Francois Lelord
Publisher: Penguin
Publication Date: May 31, 2011
ISBN: 978-0-143-11947-0
What the Publisher Says:
The second book, HECTOR AND THE SECRETS OF LOVE is the second in Francis Lelord’s series about a young psychologist searching for the answers to life’s big questions. Hector goes in search of a brilliant scientist who has disappeared after developing a molecule with the power to make people fall in love. Leaving behind Clara, his beloved—who unbeknownst to him is making her own investigations into love—he travels to Southeast Asia, where he meets the beautiful Vayla and is forced to consider the real meaning of love. As much a love story as a novel about love, HECTOR AND THE SECRETS OF LOVE is a feel-good life manual wrapped in a globetrotting adventure, and it’s told with the blend of a fairytale’s naïve wisdom and a satirist’s dry wit that has won Hector fans around the world.
What Idgie Says:
This book is drily amusing in it's turns of phrase. Hector seems very naïve about the ways of the world and when he sets out into it to find this magic molecule, he literally falls into life in ways he’s not prepared for. His thoughts on the ways of the world are quite humorous at times. I will say I’d never use him as my psychiatrist!
The writing has a nice flow to it… somewhat choppy but in a way that doesn’t lull the reader but instead keeps them perked up and interested. It’s a fun read with the chapters breaking up the story just enough that it’s great for quick reads at lunch and before bed also.