Mama’s Wreaths
Sep 29, 2011
Mama’s Wreaths
Authors: Julia Taylor Evel
And M. Joann Moretz
Reading level: Ages 4-8
Paperback: 64 pages
Publisher: Canterbury House Publishing (June 1, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0982905432
ISBN-13: 978-0982905432
What the Publisher Says:
The kitchen at Joanie's mountain home is filled with fresh fir and hemlock branches, evergreens that Mama will use as she makes wreaths to sell before Christmas. Joanie is eager to learn to make wreaths like Mama's. As Mama patiently guides her, Joanie learns not only about wreath making, but also about trust and joy - lessons entwined with fragrant evergreen. Joanie's story unfolds through a garland of gentle free-verse poems that readers of all ages will savor.
Mama’s Wreaths speaks to the heart of persons whose lives are neither glamorous nor ordinary, and it affirms the importance of their uniquely rich experience. As are Julia Taylor Ebel's six other books, Mama’s Wreaths is inspired by the lives of real people—in this case, the wreath-making experiences of writer M. Joann Moretz and her family. Mama’s Wreaths invites us all to look with gentle hearts toward those unseen faces and unheard stories of so many who touch our lives with joy.
Reflecting on Mama’s Wreaths, Joann Moretz says, “This story is a treasure of mixed jewels of my childhood memories, Appalachian mountain life, the passing on of a family craft, and much more.”
What Idgie Says:
The description states that this is a children’s book, while the book cover itself says “ages 8 and up”. I straddle the line here. What I believe is that this is a nice slim volume more suited to children with its light prose and gentle words, but at the same time, when an adult is perhaps done reading it with or to a child, they also might also have a pleased smile on their faces from the story.
I saw a blurb that describes this book as a “poem story” and I think that’s a perfect phrase for this story.
A very nice family story that shares warm anecdotes along with some small life lessons in patience and caring.