Trials of the Earth, The Autobiography of Mary Hamilton
20th Anniversary Edition
Edited by Helen Dick Davis
Foreward by Ellen Douglas
Introduction by Morgan Freeman
Publisher: Third Printing by Mary Mann Hamilton LLC
ISBN: 978-0-615-67491-9
A commemorative 20th anniversary edition of this critically acclaimed memoir.
From a manuscript that surfaced intact more than 50 years after it was
composed, we gain illuminating insight into a pioneering world
previously unknown. Mary Hamilton writes of searing hardships, wild joys
and the unthinkable work it took to survive in her day in the
wilderness of the primitive Mississippi Delta.
This wrenching memoir of love, courage, and survival was waiting to he
told. Withheld for almost a lifetime, it is a tragic story of a woman's
trial of surviving against brutal odds. Near the end of her life Mary
Hamilton (1866-c.1936) was urged to record this astonishing narrative.
It is the only known first-hand account by an ordinary woman depicting
the extraordinary routines demanded in this time and this place. She
reveals the unbelievably arduous role a woman played in the taming of
the Delta wilderness, a position marked by unspeakably harsh,
bone-breaking toil. On a raw November day in 1932 Helen Dick Davis
entered a backwoods cabin in the Delta and encountered Mary Hamilton, a
tiny, hunchbacked old woman sitting by the fire and patching a pair of
hunting trousers. They became friends. "She began to talk to me of her
life nearly half a century ago in this same Mississippi Delta," Davis
says, "which then was a wilderness of untouched timber, canebrakes, a
jungle of briars and vines and undergrowth." Spellbound during her
visits to the cabin, Davis would listen for hours. At her request, Mary
Hamilton began to record memories on scraps of paper. By the spring of
1933 she had given Davis a manuscript of 150,000 words, "the true
happenings of my life." Married to a mysterious Englishman, she lived in
crude shacks and tents in lumber camps and cooked for crews clearing
the primeval Delta forests. While nursing the sick, burying the dead,
and making failing attempts to provide a home for her children, she
retained a gentle strength that expressed itself in a lyrical vision of
nature and in mystical dreams. When Helen Dick Davis appeared to Mary
Hamilton in her old age, this long-delayed memoir of pain and grace
erupted in a narrative of beauty and compassion and preserved a time and
a place never before recorded from such a view. Mary Hamilton's
autobiography is published at long last after coming to light from Helen
Dick Davis's trunk of mementos.
Idgie Says:
A very interesting memoir of a young woman who married a man she barely knew, and never came to fully know, to help herself and her sisters and brothers to survive in a time when a woman could not provide on her own. A very thorough, yet never pitying, account of the immense hardship she endured attempting to eek out a survivalist living with whatever resources she had on hand.
This is an excellent look into the growth and struggles of rough early America without the fluff and grandeur that is often used to create a "romantic" past. History buffs will want to add this to their collection.
Reviewed by Idgie. If you would like to have the Dew review a book, please contact me at

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