The Night Train
Jul 24, 2011
The Night Train
Author: Clyde Edgerton
Hardcover: 224 pages
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company (July 25, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0316117595
ISBN-13: 978-0316117593
Wow! That's what I have to say about this book. Also, buy it the minute it's available.
Now and again you come across a book where the words just flow like a gentle river across your eyes and into your brain. Everything is just perfect - the phrasing, the setting, the sense of place. The Night Train has it. It was lovely to read. Regardless of story, I could have continued reading this book were it quadruple in size.
Clyde should be very proud of his work. Now to the story.
Set in the South in the 60s where rock and roll was starting to emerge and black people were justifiably tired of being treated as "less than", this story stars 3 young men of differing backgrounds all trying to grow and thrive and become what they need to be.
Dwayne, a white boy who's best friends with Larry Lime - a black boy, and Flash, a white young man who is dealing with an ill mother.
Dwayne wants to play rock and roll music, James Brown type music. No one appears to want to see a white boy throw himself around in such a lewd manner. Larry has a gift as a musician, but has to be noticed first. Meanwhile no one appears to approve of their friendship.
Flash has his own issues. His mother grows more frail with age but is highly resistant to having a black woman help her after her fall and stroke. Flash knows he needs help with her though and takes it when it's offered, regardless. Of course he has to deal with the possible hostilities that will ensue in his own house.
Again, to me, while I enjoyed the story, I could literally lose myself in the time, the place, the people. I do believe I'll read anything Clyde chooses to write!