The Secret Lives of Dresses
Feb 23, 2011
The Secret Lives of Dresses
Author: Erin McKean
Publisher: 5 Spot/Hachette Book Group
Publication Date: February 2011
ISBN: 978-0-446-55572-2
A very gentle, heartwarming book about finding your way in the world.
Dora is a floater. She floats through life with no real ambition or goals. Incredibly frustrating to her grandmother, who has raised her since her parents died in an accident and has tried for years to guide Dora into a career. At the moment Dora specializes in working at the University coffee shop while she advances up the graduation ladder with a series of "vagueness studies".
All this comes to a crashing halt when she receives the call that her beloved grandmother is in the hospital after suffering a stroke.
Dora rushes to be by her side. She decides to keep her grandmother's vintage clothing shop open while she recovers..if she recovers. While in the shop she discovers a sweet secret.
For years her grandmother has been writing stories about the vintage dresses and keeping them tucked away. When one of these special dresses is bought, the story about them goes with them. The dress stories are not integral to the story itself, but a sweet side story on it's own.
The main body of the story is Dora and what will she choose to do with her life, when and/or if her grandmother returns home.