Rebirth - An Aftertime Novel
Jul 30, 2011
An Aftertime Novel (2nd in series)
Author: Sophie Littlefield
Publisher: Lune/Harlequin
Publication Date: August 2011
ISBN: 978-0-373-80339-2
Awesomness! More Zombies, more Cass kicking butt and taking names and more creepiness galore in the second installment on the Aftertime series.
Cass and Smoke, along with little Ruthie, are still in the nice safe compound……that’s getting less safe by the day. These Beaters are starting to get intelligent enough to become even more dangerous. Tricking people, getting into groups, looking a little more normal until the last minute. The “nuns” that once held Ruthie and Cass are no longer providing goods to the camp and the pickings are getting slim in the area.
In other words, it doesn’t look like the camp has a long future.
Then Dor, leader of the camp, discovers that his daughter has been taken by the Rebuilders. Cass knows one way to get into their compound to get her back. They want Cass and whatever good bugs she has floating around her system that helps her fight off the Beater infection. Between her ability to help and the fact that she sees the end of refuge coming at the camp, she offers to leave with him and help.
So the road trip begins – a very dangerous road trip.
When they come to the Rebuilder compound they find yet more hidden horrors awaiting them. As with most groups surviving after the infection, the Rebuilders also have a hidden agenda.
This book is filled with action and tense times. A fun, fast read that you don’t want to put down from the minute you open to the first page.
While it could be a stand-alone book, I highly recommend reading Aftertime first – it will really help with character development.